If you want to find an object in an image , you can use temple matching methods. I try to detect marker in video , and I try these methods. But unfortunately , temple matching methods in OpenCV are not sufficient because they are not invariant to illumination condition and scale sizes.
You can see in my code there is a matching method , there are a lot of options , their approach
like this ;
My Code ;
Result ;
As you can see in result image a rectangle appear bottom but in
the middle there is me and I pasted my marker on to my chest .In video
sequence nearly 30 seconds I am moving very slowly but this method
cannot find right place. In this week , I will try more accurate
method for recognizing object and tracking.If I do any progress, i will share the results.
References; http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/template_matching.html
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