
26 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba

#Vim tips

Vim has a lot of cool things for developers some of them is very cool and useful there is some of them :)

:syntax on

with this command our codes are will be colorful and looks cool.

:! gcc code.c -o app

with :! command we can run terminal code so if ve typed gcc commands we can compile the our code in wim.


it separate the window vertically 2 pices.with ctlr+w you can switch
screen.if you use like :vsp newcode.c two files are seen on screen like

İf you use sp instead of vsp screen separate horizontally.

#if you have missing brackets {[( -or unmatched  -only you should do is bring cursor on bracket and typing "%" character vim will matched and you will able to fixing situation.

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